Saturday, December 5th, 2009 is a date that will live in my memory for as long as my mind continues to function. On that date, we traveled up to Hot Springs, Arkansas to attend the Arkansas Republican Committee Straw Poll. The straw poll was an opportunity for the seven candidates that are vying for the GOP nomination to run for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Blanche Lincoln. Each of the seven candidates spoke for seven and one half minutes before the vote was taken. It was my first opportunity to see and hear several of the candidates. What I heard was very heartening. It seems that, for the most part, the Republican Party is trying to move back toward our conservative roots. It is my opinion that this is what, not only the Republican Party needs, but it’s what our country needs. One of the men that I was privileged to hear on Saturday will be running against Lincoln in the 2010 election. We really do believe that we have enough people in various groups across the state to vote Senator Lincoln out of office. So, some time during the day, Saturday I heard the next U.S. Senator from the Great State of Arkansas. And there is a pretty good chance that I spoke with him. I did manage to get some face-to-face time with a couple of the front runners. I never dreamed that I’d do that.
As most of you know, up until this year I was never politically active. I have always been concerned about politics but I just never felt motivated enough to get out and do something. The current administration changed that. We are rushing headlong into the complete destruction of all that I have believed in and fought for all of my life. While there are some things that need work in this country, changing the fundamentals of who we are is not the answer. I have begun reading a book by Leon Skousen, The 5000 Year Leap the 28 Great Ideas that Changed the World. It is also called “Principles of Freedom 101.” The book is about the writing of the U.S. Constitution and what the founding fathers were faced with. The book tells how the founding fathers knew that there must be two parties of government to keep the country balanced at the center where there is freedom, not too far to the left where there is tyranny nor too far to the right where lies anarchy. Our country has moved too far to the left and if we do not act now to stop this trend the eventual end will be total loss of freedom and tyranny.
I think that by standing up and being counted on Saturday, December 5th 2009 I helped to bring my country back from that precipice. I hope that you too are doing something to help us. God Bless America.
John A. Wilson
Conservative Action Project